Good Morning 2017

NO EXCUSES.  It’s that simple, my lovelies. Every morning when you open your eyes, just like today, you’re going to make choices.  Those choices will affect you while you walk to the shower, to the kitchen for breakfast, while you dress, and for the rest of your day.  Ultimately, each day you’re making choices that…

Sleep, HAHA ha…

Yeah… sleep.  *snicker*  Right… not till I return to my blog and empty my thoughts.  SUCH a day it has been.  I haven’t written in a while because Alice found that rabbit hole, and it’s name is Periscope.  At first I didn’t feel compelled, and then I was curious, and then I thought “Okay… it…

Just Keep Walking

I am most at home in the woods, and also at my best – especially near flowing streams.  It’s been my center and rejuvenation, my tranquility and strength over the years and it is always the place to which I run again whenever something needs mending.  There isn’t much that a night or two amongst tall trees…

I’m Challenged, Not Dead

The level of abusiveness out there has really reached critical mass. I’ve mentioned before that I was part of the early BBS crowd, before the Internet, so I’ve been communicating by modem/online since 1988. Back then we saw an influx of bravado that was really misplaced, stalking, people who felt they could say anything they…

The Value of Choices

We all make choices according to the goals we have in mind.  Whether it’s formally set or something you never share with others, the paths you choose are always influenced by where you want to end up… assuming it’s a genuine heart’s desire.  You can fool yourself in the forefront of your mind, but you…

Whenever You Get There

We all go through stages where we hit walls and recognized the poor choices of the past.     When it  comes to things that affect our health, it’s more common than not to feel that if everything seems tolerably managed for now, why worry?  It is actually a very small percentage of people that get away with…

Focus on Passion, Not Poison

The year started rough for a lot of people.  Many of us have been ill – colds, flu, secondary infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, strep – and the fatigue and pain that comes with Winter weather changes for those of us that have rheumatic autoimmune, and neurological diseases.  Anyone with injuries like I have on top…